Health Consultation – Detailed wellness session with Dr. Lawson to discuss health history and lifestyle. General recommendations, along with explanation of individualized wellness programs (60, 90, and 120-days) – $99

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analysis – This method of analysis is an emerging rapid, non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly suitable for comparison of curative effects medicine and check of sub-health conditions. The main analysis items are over 30, including trace elements, lung and respiratory tract, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gallbladder, gynecology, prostate, iron, zinc and calcium. $45

Biocommunication (Zyto) Scan – A galvanic skin response measurement device collects subtle changes in the electrical properties of your skin. The Compass records these changes and generates a report based on these readings that identifies nutritional supplements based on these responses. This information can help you take products and supplements that are right for you. $20

Zapping – kills infectious agents inside tissue all over the body. Restores the body systems’ reserve capacity; removes blockages to herbal function. $70 

Colon Hydrotherapy – method (also known as colon irrigation or colonics) to evacuate the colon or large intestine. Warm water introduced into the colon stimulates peristalsis and hydrates the colon. A cleansed colon is better able to do its job of moving food through the digestive system, while absorbing vital nutrients, water and cell salts back into the bloodstream. $120


  • $190 for Breast scan
  • $390 for Half body
  • $490 for Full body

Cold laser detox – $125

Lipo Laser (per treatment area) – $99